General informationYou may use this multi-purpose form to send us a brief enquiry about joining, about our Network or about our Branch. It specifically serves to communicate your contact details for record purposes on our database to facilitate future contacts and information by mail, phone or email. The information in this database will only be used to assist our future communications with you in line with your own personal interests. It will also assist us for statistical purposes to learn those numbers of interested people from within and without our catchment area. In keeping with our privacy policy, all personal information will be kept confidential with access limited to a few responsible committee members of the Kedron Brook Catchment Branch - WPSQ on behalf of the Kedron Brook Catchment Network. Please enter as much information as possible, but whatever you think is relevant to your request, in the following text fields and radio buttons. There is also limited space in a text field at the end of the form for you to enter a brief query. Press the submit button once you are satisfied with your data input. This will send our Membership Officer an email giving your details and any query. We look forward to contacting you with a suitable response at least within the week. Further queries should be emailed to We'll be pleased to welcome you! Return to Join us |