Greenbrook Association Working Bee

Grange Forest Park Blandford Street (Greenbrook Association Tool Shed on Google Maps), Grange

March Planting Session - Planting in Area 11 The group meets at Blandford St entrance to Grange Forest Park (see map below) on 3rd Sunday of every month between 8.30 am and 11.30 am. In good old Australian tradition billy is usually boiled around 10:30am. Where to Find Us - At […]

Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Day is an annual event that aims to raise awareness of importance of recycling and encourage people to take action to reduce waste and protect environment. The day brings together individuals, organisations, and governments from around world to promote sustainable practices and highlight benefits of recycling. Find out more […]

International Day of Forests

Did you know that forests cover nearly a third of world’s land mass? More than 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their survival. That’s why United Nations has declared 21 March as International Day of Forests every year. Why not have a tree planting campaign to reflect on this day and […]

KBCB Monthly Bird Walk

Bob Cassimaty Park

Bob Cassimaty Park, Thomsett Park and Arbor Park The April Bird Walk has been brought forward to March. Meet in Bob Cassimaty Park car park, Samford Road, almost opposite BP Service Station, Ferny Grove. Look at Crane Reserve, Thomsett Park, Bob Cassimaty Park, and finish back to cars via Arbor Park. Dates and […]

Gilbert Road Bushcare Group March Working Bee

Gilbert Road, Lutwyche 100A Jean Street, Grange

Established in early 2024, we’re a committed band of local community volunteers working to revegetate Kedron Brook, starting on west side of Gilbert Road bridge. We meet on fourth Sunday morning of month. Meet you on Brook at end of Jean St, Grange. Much needed weeding activities in […]

KBCB Monthly Meeting

Zoom Conference Call

Get involved in shaping future of Kedron Brook catchment! Our monthly meeting is your chance to hear updates, discuss projects and share ideas on protecting our local environment. Whether you’re a regular or a newcomer, all are welcome to join our passionate community. Contact for more information