Gilbert Road Bushcare Group April Working Bee

Gilbert Road, Lutwyche 100A Jean Street, Grange

Established in early 2024, we’re a committed band of local community volunteers working to revegetate Kedron Brook, starting on west side of Gilbert Road bridge. We meet on fourth Sunday morning of month. Meet you on Brook at end of Jean St, Grange. Much needed weeding activities in […]

KBCB Monthly Bird Walk

Pony Club Bend McConaghy Street, Mitchelton

Pony Club Bend/Teralba Park Meet at northern end of McConaghy Street. Follow Bike/walkway and bush tracks through Pony Club Bend, then across bridge and Osborne Road to Teralba Park. Dates and times are accurate at time of publishing, however circumstances can change and alterations may occur. For further information, or to book in, […]

Gilbert Road May Working Bee

Gilbert Road, Lutwyche 100A Jean Street, Grange

Established in early 2024, we’re a committed band of local community volunteers working to revegetate Kedron Brook, starting on west side of Gilbert Road bridge. We meet on fourth Sunday morning of month. Meet you on Brook at end of Jean St, Grange. Much needed weeding activities in store to help our babies survive elephant […]

KBCB Monthly Bird Walk

Grinstead Park 130 Shand Street, Alderley

Grinstead Park and Sparkes Hill Meet in Grinstead Park car park. We'll cover Grinstead Park area before driving up to Longland St. entrance to Sparkes Hill Reserve (Ref D5). Direct access to Reserve from Grinstead Park is usually arranged by car. Dates and times are accurate at time of publishing, however circumstances can […]

KBCB Monthly Bird Walk

Nundah Cemetary Hendley Avenue, Toombul

Nundah Cemetery/Albert Bishop Park/Kedron Brook Meet at Nundah cemetery entrance on Hedley Ave, in Toombul. Then walk to through Albert Bishop Park and adjacent Kedron Brook (now Schulz Canal). Dates and times are accurate at time of publishing, however circumstances can change and alterations may occur. For further information, or to book in, please contact […]

KBCB Monthly Bird Walk

Grange Forest Park Blandford Street (Greenbrook Association Tool Shed on Google Maps), Grange

Grange Forest Park/Alderley Grove/Raymont Road Meet in Mornington Street just down from intersection Longsight Street. A circuitous walk through Grange Forest Park, then over road into park alongside Raymont Road, and back to cars. Dates and times are accurate at time of publishing, however circumstances can change and alterations may occur. […]